Noordvlees is a pig slaughterhouse in Kalmthout, Belgium, that was founded in 1955 and is a part of Noordvlees Group. We have been working in the meat processing industry for over 70 years and export our top-quality products all over the world. As a slaughterhouse we are an essential link in the meat chain from farmer to plate.

Noordvlees worldwide

We are an export slaughterhouse. Around 84% of our products is exported abroad, in and beyond Europe, where Belgian pork enjoys a very good reputation. Every single piece of the pig, be it the heads, legs, organs etc., finds its destination.
Want to know where our products are headed? Take a look below!

Every single day, our employees are committed to providing people all over the world with a healthy and tasty piece of pork.

We produce pork in a sustainable and qualitative manner, with respect for people, animals and the environment. We invest and modernize continuously, and we aim for impeccable traceability.

The Noordvlees Management Team

Dirk Nelen en Peter Willemen

Are Managing Partners of Noordvlees Group and head Noordvlees. They represent our company all over the world.

Carlo Van der Mast

CQESHO (Chief Quality Environment Safety Health  Officer)

Is in charge of all matters related to quality, environment, safety and health in the production site.

Koen Deweerdt

CLO (Chief Logistics Officer)

Is in charge of the Logistics and Transport Department.

Ellen Van Ginneken

CAO (Chief Accountancy Officer)

Is in charge of the Accounting and Administration Department.

Paul Andriessen

CCO (Chief Commercial Officer)

Is in charge of the Commercial Sales Department.

Marc Verschraege

CHRPO (Chief Human Resources and Production  Officer)

Is in charge of the Human Resources and Production Department.

Stefan Eyckmans

CCO (Chief Commercial Officer)

Is in charge of the Commercial Sales Department.

Chris Jacobs

CIO (Chief IT Officer)

Is in charge of all IT matters.


Machael Vogelaers

CVO (Chief Valorisation Officer)

Is in charge of the by-products department and the six-cut cutting department.

Read the latest news about Noordvlees here

To find out more, take a look at our news page.
(content available in Dutch)